Silver Price per Ounce in Bulgaria

Silver Units Price in Bulgarian Lev
1 Ounce 24K 57.35 BGN
1 Ounce 23K 54.96 BGN
1 Ounce 22K 52.57 BGN
1 Ounce 21K 50.18 BGN
1 Ounce 18K 43.02 BGN
1 Ounce 16K38.24 BGN
1 Ounce 14K33.46 BGN
1 Ounce 10K 23.90 BGN
1 Ounce 9K 21.51 BGN
24K Silver Price Per Ounce = 57.35 BGN
Today Low: 56.84, High: 58.25 BGN
Today, 1 USD Rate= 1.81646 BGN

The silver price is updated on 08-Nov-2024 15:14:02 (GMT Time)
The BGN rate is updated on 2024-11-08 15:05:00 (GMT Time)

Silver Price Chart/ Oz

Today Silver Rate in Bulgaria in BGN

Silver Units 24K Silver 22K Silver
1 Ounce 57.4 52.6
5 Ounce 286.8 262.9
10 Ounce 573.5 525.7
20 Ounce 1147.1 1051.5
40 Ounce 2294.2 2103
50 Ounce 2867.7 2628.7
100 Ounce 5735.4 5257.4

Last 30 Day's BGN Rate

Date 1 USD to BGN
2024-11-07 1.812 BGN
2024-11-06 1.819 BGN
2024-11-05 1.792 BGN
2024-11-04 1.797 BGN
2024-11-03 1.797 BGN
2024-11-02 1.797 BGN
2024-11-01 1.803 BGN
2024-10-31 1.801 BGN
2024-10-30 1.803 BGN
2024-10-29 1.81 BGN
2024-10-28 1.807 BGN
2024-10-27 1.811 BGN
2024-10-26 1.811 BGN
2024-10-25 1.808 BGN
2024-10-24 1.808 BGN
2024-10-23 1.815 BGN
2024-10-22 1.81 BGN
2024-10-21 1.809 BGN
2024-10-20 1.8 BGN
2024-10-19 1.8 BGN
2024-10-18 1.8 BGN
2024-10-17 1.807 BGN
2024-10-16 1.798 BGN
2024-10-15 1.797 BGN
2024-10-14 1.794 BGN
2024-10-13 1.788 BGN
2024-10-12 1.788 BGN
2024-10-11 1.787 BGN
2024-10-10 1.791 BGN
2024-10-09 1.787 BGN


Today Silver price in Bulgaria per Ounce in Bulgarian Lev, 999, 975, 925, etc., silver price is provided according to Sofia time. This page is about the Ounce unit of silver, which is a standard unit of measurement of precious metals like silver, gold, etc.