Silver Price per Ounce in Colombia

Silver Units Price in Colombian Peso
1 Ounce 24K 138097.39 COP
1 Ounce 23K 132343.33 COP
1 Ounce 22K 126589.27 COP
1 Ounce 21K 120835.22 COP
1 Ounce 18K 103573.04 COP
1 Ounce 16K92064.93 COP
1 Ounce 14K80556.81 COP
1 Ounce 10K 57540.58 COP
1 Ounce 9K 51786.52 COP
24K Silver Price Per Ounce = $138097.39 COP
Today Low: 136453.90, High: 139306.75 COP
Today, 1 USD Rate= 4429.89 COP

The silver price is updated on 08-Dec-2024 22:52:02 (GMT Time)
The COP rate is updated on 2024-12-08 20:05:01 (GMT Time)

Silver Price Chart/ Oz

Today Silver Rate in Colombia in COP

Silver Units 24K Silver 22K Silver
1 Ounce 138097.4 126589.3
5 Ounce 690487 632946.4
10 Ounce 1380973.9 1265892.7
20 Ounce 2761947.8 2531785.5
40 Ounce 5523895.6 5063571
50 Ounce 6904869.5 6329463.7
100 Ounce 13809739.1 12658927.5

Last 30 Day's COP Rate

Date 1 USD to COP
2024-12-08 4429.892 COP
2024-12-07 4423.432 COP
2024-12-06 4432.051 COP
2024-12-05 4424.403 COP
2024-12-04 4436.968 COP
2024-12-03 4468.98 COP
2024-12-02 4451.186 COP
2024-12-01 4374.007 COP
2024-11-30 4375.242 COP
2024-11-29 4376.304 COP
2024-11-28 4380.139 COP
2024-11-27 4386.668 COP
2024-11-26 4400.667 COP
2024-11-25 4406.093 COP
2024-11-24 4370.676 COP
2024-11-23 4389.75 COP
2024-11-22 4393.135 COP
2024-11-21 4390.25 COP
2024-11-20 4405.895 COP
2024-11-19 4389.167 COP
2024-11-18 4409.872 COP
2024-11-17 4503.584 COP
2024-11-16 4499.075 COP
2024-11-15 4501.863 COP
2024-11-14 4483.75 COP
2024-11-13 4484.906 COP
2024-11-12 4362.18 COP
2024-11-11 4364.554 COP
2024-11-10 4331.57 COP
2024-11-09 4328.158 COP


Today Silver price in Colombia per Ounce in Colombian Peso, 999, 975, 925, etc., silver price is provided according to Bogota time. This page is about the Ounce unit of silver, which is a standard unit of measurement of precious metals like silver, gold, etc.