Silver Price per Tola in Singapore

Silver Units Tola
1 Tola 24K 15.70 SGD
1 Tola 23K 15.05 SGD
1 Tola 22K 14.39 SGD
1 Tola 21K 13.74 SGD
1 Tola 18K 11.78 SGD
1 Tola 16K10.47 SGD
1 Tola 14K9.16 SGD
1 Tola 10K 6.54 SGD
1 Tola 9K 5.89 SGD
Today Low: 15.51, High: 15.84 SGD
Weight of 1 Tola : 11.6638 Grams
Today, 1 USD Rate= 1.34301 SGD

The silver price is updated on 08-Dec-2024 22:16:02 (GMT Time)
The SGD rate is updated on 2024-12-08 20:05:01 (GMT Time)

Silver Price Chart/ Oz

Today Silver Rate in Singapore in SGD

Silver Units 24K Silver 22K Silver
1 Tola 15.7 14.4
5 Tola 78.5 72
10 Tola 157 143.9
20 Tola 314 287.8
40 Tola 628 575.7
50 Tola 785 719.6
100 Tola 1570 1439.2

Last 30 Day's SGD Rate

Date 1 USD to SGD
2024-12-08 1.343 SGD
2024-12-07 1.342 SGD
2024-12-06 1.342 SGD
2024-12-05 1.338 SGD
2024-12-04 1.344 SGD
2024-12-03 1.345 SGD
2024-12-02 1.346 SGD
2024-12-01 1.339 SGD
2024-11-30 1.339 SGD
2024-11-29 1.338 SGD
2024-11-28 1.342 SGD
2024-11-27 1.34 SGD
2024-11-26 1.348 SGD
2024-11-25 1.345 SGD
2024-11-24 1.346 SGD
2024-11-23 1.347 SGD
2024-11-22 1.348 SGD
2024-11-21 1.346 SGD
2024-11-20 1.344 SGD
2024-11-19 1.338 SGD
2024-11-18 1.339 SGD
2024-11-17 1.342 SGD
2024-11-16 1.344 SGD
2024-11-15 1.342 SGD
2024-11-14 1.344 SGD
2024-11-13 1.343 SGD
2024-11-12 1.339 SGD
2024-11-11 1.334 SGD
2024-11-10 1.326 SGD
2024-11-09 1.326 SGD


Today Silver price in Singapore per Tola in Singapore Dollar, 999, 975, 925, etc., silver price is provided according to Singapore time. This page is about the Tola unit of silver, which is a standard unit of measurement of precious metals like silver, gold, etc.