Silver Price in Taiwan

Silver Units Price in New Taiwan Dollar
1 Gram 24K 33.57 TWD
1 Gram 23K 32.17 TWD
1 Gram 22K 30.77 TWD
1 Gram 21K 29.38 TWD
1 Gram 18K 25.18 TWD
1 Gram 16K22.38 TWD
1 Gram 14K19.58 TWD
1 Gram 10K 13.99 TWD
1 Gram 9K 12.59 TWD
24K Silver Price Per Gram = 33.57 TWD
Today Low: 32.64, High: 34.19 TWD
1 Gram Weight: 0.03210 Oz
Today, 1 USD Rate= 32.286 TWD

The silver price is updated on 04-Oct-2024 23:38:00 (GMT Time)
The TWD rate is updated on 2024-10-05 03:05:14 (GMT Time)

Silver Price Chart/ Oz

Today Silver Rate in Taiwan in TWD

Silver Units 24K Silver 22K Silver
1 Gram 33.6 30.8
5 Gram 167.9 153.9
10 Gram 335.7 307.7
20 Gram 671.5 615.5
40 Gram 1342.9 1231
50 Gram 1678.6 1538.7
100 Gram 3357.3 3077.5

Last 30 Day's TWD Rate

Date 1 USD to TWD
2024-10-04 32.298 TWD
2024-10-03 32.019 TWD
2024-10-02 31.957 TWD
2024-10-01 31.872 TWD
2024-09-30 31.791 TWD
2024-09-29 31.59 TWD
2024-09-28 31.59 TWD
2024-09-27 31.571 TWD
2024-09-26 31.694 TWD
2024-09-25 31.98 TWD
2024-09-24 31.878 TWD
2024-09-23 32.03 TWD
2024-09-22 31.981 TWD
2024-09-21 31.981 TWD
2024-09-20 31.997 TWD
2024-09-19 31.929 TWD
2024-09-18 31.932 TWD
2024-09-17 31.947 TWD
2024-09-16 31.887 TWD
2024-09-15 31.953 TWD
2024-09-14 31.953 TWD
2024-09-13 31.961 TWD
2024-09-12 32.131 TWD
2024-09-11 32.151 TWD
2024-09-10 32.185 TWD
2024-09-09 32.095 TWD
2024-09-08 32.041 TWD
2024-09-07 32.041 TWD
2024-09-06 32.031 TWD
2024-09-05 32.047 TWD


Today Silver price in Taiwan per Gram in New Taiwan Dollar, 999, 975, 925, etc., silver price is provided according to Taipei time. This page is about the Gram unit of silver, which is a standard unit of measurement of precious metals like silver, gold, etc.